By Pekai Kotoisuva, Fiji Sun – 22 February 2023
One thousand students of 11 primary schools on Kadavu will benefit from a recent collaboration between Ono Foundation, Star Printery and Kokomo Private Island Resort.
Ono Foundation co-ordinator Lepani Vunituraga said the foundation had been supporting students in terms of education over the years.
“The Educare products by Star Printery are quality Fijian made and we hope the partnership will be stronger over the years to benefit the future generations of Kadavu,” he said.
He said he was also grateful to Kokomo Private Island Resort for jumping on board.
Star Printery director Vikesh Chauhan said the educational supplies amounted to under $10,000.
“At Star Printery we manufacture Fiji’s only produced books which is Educare exercise books and when Lepani and his colleagues contacted me, I thought it was a beautiful opportunity,” he said.